Một số thông tin về TRIZ trên thế giới
TRIZ is Russian acronym meaning Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems. Genrikh Altshuller and his colleagues studied over 2 millions patents and identified the body of principles and knowledge that define the process of solving extremely difficult (i.e., inventive) problems. International research is now enhancing and extending their findings.
TRIZ is a revolutionary new technology being introduced in the United States!
The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) was first introduced to the United States in 1991.
It has become even more difficult to conceive, develop and field breakthrough products and services consistently in today's global marketplace. The pace of competition, the increasing demands of customers, and the explosion of knowledge and technology all contribute to the need for innovative approaches. The conceptual activity has to be faster than ever before, at a higher level of design maturity, and within constrained budgets. Current research shows that TRIZ accelerated idea generation for products, for services, and for quality improvement by factors ranging from 70% to 300%
IS TRIZ PRACTICAL ? These practical organizations are now using TRIZ:
TRIZ in the world Universities
Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller - The father of TRIZ
TRIZ Research Activity
Application Activity
Education and Dissemination
Contact person
Universidad tecnologica Nacional
no Mechanical, electrical and civil engineering
Juan C Nishiyama (Engin) foundation @altshuller.ru
Facultad Regional Pacheco (UTN FRGP)
mecanica@frgp. utn.edu.ar
Montauniversitat Leoben
Juergen Jantschgi
Royal Melbourne Ins titute of Technology
Courses in electro nics and problem solving (by TRIZ)
Iouri Belski iouri.
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Queensland Universi ty of Technology (Brisbane)
Mechanical engineering
AssProf Vladis Kos se Course v.kosse @qut.edu.au
Technical University of Vienna
Use of TRIZ in the Developmen Process
ZeroDefect Develop ment for Customer
Centered Innovative Products
Veit Kohnhauser@ ebwnov.tuwien.ac.at
Vlerick Management School
Bart.Clarysse@ vlerick.be
PIH(Provenciall Indu struieel hogeschool)
Jo.DeJonghe@kule uven kortrijk.be
KUL (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Duflou@mech. kuleuven.be
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica
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SENAI ServicoNaci onaldeAprendizagem Industrial
Departamento Regio nal da Bahia/ YES
cristiano@cimatec. fieb.org.br
Universidade de Sao Paulo
no Civil Engineering
no petreche @pcc.usp.br
marly.kiatake @poli.usp.br
Universidade Estad ual de Campinas
no Mechanical engineering
no Franco Giusep pe Dedini, Ph.D
cpg@fem. unicamp.br
Universidade de Sao Paulo
no Engenharia Mecanica
no Marcelo Massa rani, Ph.D., Prof
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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Mechanical engineering
Fernando A. Forcellini, Ph.D.
forcellini@deps. ufsc.br
Engenharia Mecanica
Andre Ogliari, Ph.D., Prof
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Universidade Federal tecnologica doParana
yes Mechanical engineering
yes Marco Aurelio de Carvalho, Ph.D
decarvalho@ cefetbr.br
University of West ern Ontario London
Melissa Gordon
vivi@css-softwa resolutions.com
Kai Yang Wayne State University
Dr. Kai Yang
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Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Chong Qing University
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Northeastern University
Yaman Yener
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Southwest Jiaotong University
shsong@home .swjtu.edu.cn
Tianjin University
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tsinghua University
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Zhejiang University
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
ChengduAircraft D& R Institute (CADI)
Dr. Gabriel Bugeda
bugeda@ cimne.upc.es
Czech Republic
University of Defence (UO Brno)
Mechanical Engineering
Vladimir Sidla
vladimir.sidla@ unob.cz
CVUT-TU Prague
Michael.Valasek @fs.cvut.cz
VSB-TU Ostrava
Jiri Skarupa
Michael.Valasek @fs.cvut.cz
ZCU-TU Plzen
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
hlavenka@ fme.vutbr.cz
Czech Republic
Technical University of Liberec
yes Pavel Jirman
p.jirman@ volny.cz
Brno University of Technology
Yes Bohuslav Busov
busov@uvee .fee.vutbr.cz
University of Gezira
Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Molecular
Biology and Oncology
Sulieman M. Zobly
sulieman16@ gmail.com
Tallin College of Engineering
yes mechanics ind ustrial technologies,
education, management
yes Tiit Tiidemann
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
INSA Strasbourg –
Graduate School of Science Technology
y Denis Cavallucci
denis.cavallucci@ insa-strasbourg.fr
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
A. Bernard
Alain.Bernard@ irccyn.ec-nantes.fr
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts
yvon.lemeur@ angers.ensam.fr
nettoyer_svp @ metz.ensam.fr
Universite Henri Poincare
R. Hasan
Abul.Hasan@ sdsmt.edu
Bremen Univ.
yes, J. Creativity and Innovation Management, Iss. 1 2005
electronics, logistics, energy; moehrleuni-bremen.de
Triz is part of our education in techno logy and innovation management.
Moehrle, M.G.
kontakt@ innovation.uni-bremen.de
Dortmund Univ.
Kuhlenkotter, B.
bernd.Kuhlenkoetter @uni-dortmund.de
Niederrhein Univ. of Applied Sciences
Yes; Karl Koltze
karl.koltze@ hs-niederrhein.de
yes: Prof. Gunther
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Steinbeis-Trans ferzentrum Qualitat
yes; http://tqu.com
yes: Prof. Blasing
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Univ. Hanover
Rene Apitz
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Univ. Kaisers lautern Centrum fur
yes: Matin Siener Warnecke, Gunter
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Univ. of Kassel Maschinenbau,
Leitbau, yes
yes; Prof. Klein
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S.Westphalia Univ.
of Applied Sciences
yes; Berthold Bitzer
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
WOIS Institute
yes: Gunther Herr
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Karlsruhe Univ.
mechanical engineering,
process and ITS
Albert Albers
markus.weigt@ imi.uni-karlsruhe.de
Univ. Kaiserslautern
Warnecke, Gunter
warnecke@ cck.uni-kl.de
Fraunhofer Institute
for Production Technology
Markus Wellensiek
markus.wellensiek @ipt.fraunhofer.de
TU Munchen, Lehrstuhl fur
Produktent wicklung, yes
yes; Prof. Lindemann
lindem@pe. mw.tum.de
Budapest Univ. of
methodology develo pment projects
Balazs Vidovics
Vidovics.Balazs@ gszi.bme.hu
Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research Mumbai
Department of
Theoretical Physics
theophys@theory .tifr.res.in
Inst. of Innovation
Technological Studies (IIITS), yes
yes; Mahmoud Karimi
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Faculty of ICT
Alireza Mansoorian
mansoorian@ creatology-triz.com
Research Center for
Creatology Innova
tion & TRIZ Iran
Mohamed Mojtabe
golestan@ creatology-triz.com
Management R&D
Centre (PMIR)
Reza Movarrei
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Tarbiat Modares
Univ. (TMU)
Industrial Engineering
Amir Albadvi
Univ. College Cork
Chemical Engineer
John McSweeney
yes; Jorge Oliveira
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
National Univ
John Cooney
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Ben-Gurion Univ
Prof. Reuven Segev
rsegev@bgumail. bgu.ac.il
Univ. Florence
yes; Mechanics and
Indust. Technologies
yes; Gaetano Cascini
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Politecnico di
Milano; no
yes; Umberto.Cugini
Univ. di Bergamo
yes; Caterina.Rizzi
Univ. di Pisa
Gualtiero Fantoni
g.fantoni@ing. unipi.it
Univ. di Padova
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
SANNO Institute
Masaya Takemura
yes; Manabo
Osaka Gakuin Univ
Toru Nagakawa
ITESM Campus
Monterrey; yes
yes; Noel Leon
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Benemerita Univ
de Puebla
Lopez WZLforum
at k.marso@wzl.
Inst. Tecnologico
de Puebla
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Inst. Tecnologico
de Ensenada
Inst. Politecnico
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Univ. Science And
Environmental syst
Lamvik, Trond
Wroclaw Univ.
of technology
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Univ. of Minho
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Univ. of Craiova
yes Simona M. Cretu
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Pedagogical College
yes Anna Korzun
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Koms-on-Amur SU
of Technology
pr. V. Berdosonov
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tomsk SPU
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
SPeterburg SPU
Innovatic Faculty
prof. L. Chechurin
creative@imop. pbstu.ru
Computer technolog
prof. V. Geltov
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Technology Mashin
doc. A. Nikitin
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kuban SU
Dep. physics
doc. M. Zhuzha
National Univ.
Product and service
Tan Kay Chuan
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Dep. Chemical &
Andrzej.Kraslawski Han Tong Loh
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
yes, Tan Kay Chuan He Cong
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
TU Kosice
Juraj Smrcek
TU Zilina
Stefan Medvecky
medvecky@fstroj. utc.sk
South Africa
Univ. of Pretoria
South Korea
Ajou Univ.
yes, Mechanical
yes, Engineering
SeungHyun Ryu
HanYang Univ
yes, Mechanical
yes, Engineering
yes, SungKoon Park
KAIST institute
yes, Ibid
yes, ibid
yes, DongYeol Yang
Polytechnic Univ
yes, Mechanical
yes, Design
yes, Kyeon-Won Lee
hjkim@sait. samsung.co.kr
MyunJi Univ
yes, Industrial
yes, Engineering
yes, ByungJae Kim
Asociado Univ.
Politecnica de
Valencia (UPV)
Jose M.V. Gomila
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Univ. Jaume I,
Rosario Vidal
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Chienkuo Technol.
Univ., Mechanical
Hsin-Sheng Lee
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Nat. Formosa Univ.
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Nat. Chiao Tung
Ding-Chong Lu
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Nat. Chiao Tung
University Hsinch
Conceptual Design
Ching-Huan Tseng Hsiang-Tang Chang
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. edu.tw
Nat. Cheng Kung
Univ, Mechanical
United Kingdom
Univ. Sussex
Mechanical engin-g
Univ. Bath Centre
yes, ibid
yes, Julian Vincent
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Loughborough univ.
M. Kaan Low, p.o.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Nottingham Trent
Univ., Dep. Design
Stratton, R
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Brunel Univ
Egham, Surrey
TRIZ in Ecoinnov.
Liverpool John
Moores University
Paul Otterson, d.r.
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School Mechanical
Engineering Univ.
Bath, class aircraft
TRIZ to economy cabin design
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Univ. Alabama
Dr. John R.
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Luther College Iowa
T.P. Schweizer, prof.
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Vanderbilt Univ.
Biomedical Engin
Wayne State Univ
Prf. Eug.I. Rivin
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Univ. Michigan
Ann Arbor
Carnegie Mellon Un
Creighton Univ
Omaha, Nebraska
Florida Atlantic
University, Electric
al Engineering
Dr. Raviv
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State University
Dr. Kai Yang
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Univ. South.
East Stroudsburg
University of
yes, albadvi
Pennsylvania State
University, yes
yes, Madara Ogot
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Wayne State Univ
Mechanical Engineering
yes, Kai Yang Prf. Eug.I. Rivin
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Metrapolitan College
, Boston Univ
R.D.H. Warburton
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George Mason
Univ, Washington
CEIE department
T. Arciszewski
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New York
Prf.Sergy Iakovenko
HoChiMinh City
Teaching Enlarged
In Minsk (2-3 ?)
and Gomel (1?)
In Kiev, Odessa,
Dnepropetrovsk (2 ?)
Number of Universitets: Argentina (3); Australia (2); Austria (1); Belgium (3); Brazil (8), Egypt (1); Estonia (1); France (5); Germany (14); Hungary (1); India (1); Iran (5); Ireland (2); Israel (1); Italy (5); Japan (2); Mexico (5); Norway (1); Poland (1); Portugal (1); Romania (1); Russia (>12: MSIU, SPbSPU, MIIT-STU, ChelSPedU, etc); Singapore (3); Slovakia (2); South Africa (1); South Korea (5-6); Spain (2); Taiwan (5); United Kingdom (7); USA (>15-16); Vietnam (1); Ukrain (3-5); Belorusia (2-4)
Sum = >140 univ-ts, where the students study TRIZ-Methods and use TRIZ in practics.
Triz is Now Practiced in 50 Countries
Written by Bradford Goldense
Triz is an innovation technique that professionals systematically apply according to a defined set of principles. Originally developed in Russia by Genrich Altshuller in the 1940s, Triz took a number of years to cross the ocean and become available in English. By the early 1990s, Triz had gained a foothold in the U.S. and slowly began spreading globally from its Russia- and U.S.-based "centers of excellence." Triz is now practiced in at least 50 countries.
History: The brilliance of Triz stems from the origins of its data set. Altshuller analyzed 40,000 registered patents to determine their common inventive principles, and to hopefully observe other systematic attributes of inventions. The short version of his findings were that there were 40 basic inventive principles, 39 common parameters that engineers look to optimize, and 76 standard approaches that engineers and inventors used in their designs. Nonsense, you say? Not so. Sample sizes of up to two million patents were examined by other companies over the years, and they merely tweaked Altshuller's discoveries.
North American Industry Usage: GGI has researched markets and companies where Triz was involved in analytical software since the late 1980s. Our statistically valid primary research in 2008 showed it to be the third most used tool by professionals looking to innovate. Still, it had penetrated only 21% of a cross-industry sample of North American companies. 10% used it limitedly, 10% used it occasionally, and only 1% said it was fully embedded. Adoption of innovation techniques is clearly not as mature as operational excellence techniques such as Six Sigma, lean, and other value-engineering tools. For reference, our research showed that internal knowledge wikis were number two at 38% and the free USPTO web site was first at 53%.
Global Industry Penetration: Last year, a GGI primary research project explored the global penetration of Triz. We got reasonably good data for the period 2007 to 2015, based on the number of Triz-certified professionals we could identify in each country.
In summary, there are 50 countries with Triz-certified professionals. Between 1991 and 2007 when our data set began, 1,400 people had achieved certification. We now count over 18,000. Plus, there are about another 6,000 who chose not to publish their certification. There are now roughly 25,000 people worldwide who are certified Triz practitioners, or are likely practicing at a certified level.
South Korea dominates the global footprint with 65% of all practitioners. Germany and China each have 7%. Russia is next at 5%, followed by the U.S. and Taiwan at 3%. India and the Netherlands each have 2%.
Potential Uses and Benefits: Triz has wide applicability across product creation through commercialization, as well as for developing intellectual property. Right now, less strategic companies use it in late stages of design through cost reduction and value engineering. More strategic companies use it in advanced development and intellectual property development long before detailed design and production. GGI’s research also identified a notable finding: Companies that seriously use Triz actively discourage employees from discussing it outside the company, and rarely present at conferences. Treating Triz a confidential company subject indicates Triz creates a competitive advantage.
Future Growth of Triz: The year-over-year growth rates between 2007 and 2015 are impressive, ranging from 23 to 47% annual growth.
There has also likely been a constraint on growth because there is a shortage of qualified Triz instructors. “Triz Masters” are hard to come by. There are approximately 150 in the world, with 70% in Russia; South Korea and the U.S. equally share the rest. Not all five levels of Triz must be taught by Masters. But, as others have started teaching to service a growing demand, some unevenness of skill sets in the lower two levels of certification have resulted.
When demand exceeds capacity, it is often a sign that a new industry is about to be born.
Statement of teaching TRIZ in MIT (USA)
TRIZ Work Recognized—Samsung Award
By The Editors
The Advanced Institute of Technology of the Samsung Corporation has recognized the work of Nikolay Shpakovsky with a very significant corporate award.
The savings of 120 billion won is the equivalent of US$ 91,200,000.
Nikolay described the TRIZ training being done at Samsung, for more than 2000 employees, at the ETRIA meeting and in his paper in the December 2001 TRIZ Journal. Samsung has generously agreed to allow Nikolay and his colleagues to share their training methods with the TRIZ community through a series of articles that will appear throughout the year.
When the editors asked if we could publish the announcement of the award, Nikolay asked if he could add the following note, about the people who contributed to all the TRIZ work at Samsung:
"This award was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise to me. I am happy to have made that contribution to our TRIZ thriftbox , which is a weighty proof of the TRIZ efficiency. During all my work I had to solve problems of different degree of complexity, to turn aside patents and to forecast the evolution of technical systems. It is interesting enough that the simplest problems that arise in mass production generally turn out to be difficult to solve. This is because there are certain limitations; it is necessary to remove a disadvantage practically without changing anything in the production process. That is, it is necessary to apply to the full extent the TRIZ approach according to which everything remains as it was, but the disadvantage is removed.
"I am certainly grateful to the management of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. This is not only a natural feeling of gratitude for the award, but the expression of respect for the far-seeing and forethoughtful people who discerned the possibility of getting high profits by using TRIZ and provided for the efficient work of TRIZ specialists.
"It is quite natural that such the appreciation of my work is the merit of our entire group working for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. First of all I would like to thank the TRIZ specialist from Sankt-Petersburg Vasily Leniashin, who has been my workfellow for some years. I confirm with great pleasure his active participation in solving many of the problems and I am grateful to him for efficient cooperation. In addition to problem solving we actively work on perfecting the TRIZ methodology in order to tie it up to the full extent to the process of solving real production problems (see our article published in your journal http://www.trizjournal. com/archives/2002/01/f/index.htm).
"I also think it appropriate to recognize the great personal contribution of Nikolay Khomenko who was the first to start teaching TRIZ to Korean specialists and who continues this work today. It is necessary to make mention of Dmitry Kucheryavy, why developed and confirmed this first success by practical consulting work for LG. I also express my gratitude to other TRIZ specialists who successfully work today here, in Suwon. They are, first of all, Peter Chuksin and Alexander Skuratovich from Minsk, Valery Chernyak from Sankt-Petersburg and many other Russian and Korean specialists working mainly for LG and SAMSUNG. This is just owing to their work that the atmosphere of cooperation in the development of TRIZ methodology was created here and the Korean Group of TRIZ study was formed with the professor of Korean Polytechnic University Young-Il Kim at its head. The group unites over 120 representatives of production companies, research institutes and universities from different regions of Korea."
Picture: Nikolay Shpakovsky receiving the award:
Thư của bà Karen Gadd gửi thầy Phan Dũng
From: Karen Gadd at Oxford Creativity
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 6:23 PM
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Subject: Korean Innovation Success: 95,000 patents in 2012 (UK: 7,000)
Samsung claim that power of TRIZ has helped their phenomenal success over the last 12 years – and is central to their policy of growth through innovation. (see the Forbes article here).
I try to be a great champion of TRIZ (by establishing it in many major companies) but in July this year even I was astonished at the national importance of TRIZ when I was keynote speaker at the Korean TRIZ Global conference. Several Korean senior executives from their major companies talked about how their substantial investment in TRIZ Capability had massively paid off in terms of new innovative products, leading the world in IP and bottom line growth.
Korea has a very different atmosphere from Europe: here, despite its obvious power, TRIZ acceptance has been patchy and TRIZ often gets squashed by other more popular toolkits despite its complementary role to fill in all their universal gaps on problem solving and innovation. If anyone asks how has Korea (population 50 million - and a developing country in living memory) moved to No. 4 in the world in IP league tables with 95,000 granted patents in 2012 (whilst the UK has moved down to No. 12 with just over 7,000 patents) one answer is clearly TRIZ.
Korea's national espousal of TRIZ is very exciting and paying big results. I remember in 2000 one of the Samsung TRIZ engineers saying to me - "in Korea we are going to stop following and start leading and we are doing this with TRIZ" - and they have done it in spades. Their investment in TRIZ is phenomenal and even my book TRIZ for Engineers (published by Wiley Blackwell) has already been translated into Korean and I have been invited back to Seoul for further work. This is because in the Korean TRIZ community they were amazed how Oxford Creativity can make TRIZ so easy to learn and apply and wanted to know more about our straightforward approaches to the world's most powerful innovation toolkit. (see cartoon below)
Establishing TRIZ in Europe is essential for our success too. Oxford Creativity is the leading European TRIZ company and we have developed fast, simple ways of building TRIZ capability which works well with European engineers and management. We can show you how TRIZ acts as a multiplier on human intelligence, confidence, experience and wisdom, and helps you get the most from your most valuable asset: your people and your teams. In Oxford Creativity we say "TRIZ turns good engineers into great engineers" as it was developed by engineers for engineers who show uncharacteristic enthusiasm for this toolkit. Moreover really successful TRIZ companies have migrated it from engineering up to top management. Nowhere is that clearer than in Korea: part of Samsung's success with TRIZ is a result of making TRIZ training compulsory for all senior management. This has led to not only awareness but also enthusiasm and support for TRIZ throughout the organisation. In the UK we have had many proven successes with TRIZ (including companies such as Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems) which results in dramatic improvement of patent outputs, innovation success and helps engineering teams to work more effectively.
As Europe slowly wakes up to the power of this unique innovation and problem solving toolkit Japan, China and Korea use TRIZ to increase their global lead in IP. This year I have also been working in China where openness and enthusiasm for TRIZ is paying off. One major UK university contacted Oxford Creativity after their Chinese partners asked them "How much TRIZ do you teach to everyone" and their response had been "what is TRIZ and how can we use it?". That is a question Oxford Creativity have been successfully answering for fifteen years.
Contact us NOW to find out what TRIZ can do for you.
Karen Gadd
01993 882461
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A few places are still available on our next workshops: to book click here.
Learn TRIZ
30 September - 4 October at Beeston Manor
11-15 November at Oxford University
Oxford TRIZ for Patent Busting and Patent Building
2-4 December at Oxford University
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